Be it to keep your household income and expenditure in control, or be it to simplify the bookkeeping of a small or medium business, LedgerLite is an easy-to-learn and -use light accounting and ledger software that will go with you wherever you go. With support for double-entry accounting, multi-user environment, and a stunning set of customizable reports, this tool is the perfect solution for those who know about bookkeeping and those who don’t.
Designed to simplify the intricacies of bookkeeping so that anyone can benefit from this excellent accounting software tool, the first good thing about LedgerLite is that it requires no installation. This is not only convenient, but it provides you with the possibility of having your “accounting books” with you at all times as it fits in the smallest USB memory drive. It even offers a client/server mode for multiple users, requires no Internet connection to work, and doesn’t move your sensitive financial data to anywhere in the Cloud. The only requirement for the program to open on any computer is that you have your printer connected and ready.
Following the principles of double-entry bookkeeping and managing to make complex things look simple, the program is divided into two main areas – the ledger (with entries, accounts, and cashbooks) and the reports (with balance sheets, income statements, and graphs; on the Reports menu you will also find trial balances, account statements, account summaries, and cashbook statements). You can create as many cashbooks and accounts as you need, and match them with your bank statements easily. You are provided with tools to maintain your accounts, cashbooks, assets, as well as your taxes and subentities (to track projects, divisions, subsidiaries, etc.). Adding, modifying, deleting, or finding an entry in these maintenance tools is dead easy. Some of these charts can be also exported to a CSV file when needed, so that you can reuse them in most spreadsheet tools.
Among the plethora of accounting programs available in the market, LedgerLite stands out as probably the lightest, most user-friendly tool you can come across. With this tool, you won’t have to adapt your business or personal finances to the functionality of the program, but rather the opposite. The program’s high level of flexibility and customization will let you design your own accounting tool so that it fits your requirements in the most convenient way.
Comments (3)
By the way support is excellent which is an extra big plus.